As the time has gone on and the module has progressed I have been able to relate, learn and even enjoy Personal and Professional Development. I have been able to understand and appreciate the lectures and seminars as the course has progressed also. I am almost certain this is a result of my maturity and making sure I maintain a healthy balance of work and play, i.e. calming my drinking habits slightly since September and actually doing some work.
Making a blog and actually posting onto it regularly is something I’d never done before and a somewhat challenging task at times; making the posts informative, interesting, presentable and just trying to post items other than the ones set in the module. I have definitely learnt something’s about myself and points for improvement in areas that I otherwise would have skipped over. It drew my attention to the importance of using blogging and websites to be able to get my work out there get noticed and start making a name for myself. It opened my eyes to the reality of blogging, a network I knew very little about before coming to Leeds College of Art and more specifically this module. In the near future and on my list of things to do over the summer, is to look into starting my own website and just getting myself out there. Recognising my strengths and weaknesses has been another part I have learnt about professionalism, because it is important to know what your good at – to be able to sell yourself and ultimately my furniture. And then to be able to work on and try and improve the areas aren’t as strong.
Adapting to higher education from further education has been one of my big achievements this year as I found the teaching style, freedom and even the assessment system a bit overwhelming from what I was comfortable and used to throughout my GCSE’s and Sixth Form. Although now I have adapted to it I feel much more comfortable, I am more confident in making my own decisions and dictating where I take my designs and creativity. I feel I have learnt far more by being able to direct my own learning to a larger extent than I was ever able to in school. Filled with confidence – to be able to excel and reach my potential and reach new found goals and interests.
I am flying out to the USA in June to be a councillor at a summer camp for kids, primarily teaching woodwork, this is an experience that I hope to reflect and build on in the future as a possible career path (second to selling my own fine furniture of course). Next year I hope to continue the good work, improve my essay writing and researching skills, produce some quality furniture I can be proud of and as mentioned before look to getting some contacts for when I graduate.